Thursday, February 23, 2017

Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

            Cryptocoryne retrospiralis is an amazing and unusual aquatic plant, It's curly niddly leaf structure is very attractive and the brownish green colour is also very impressive. In the natural habitat Cryptocryne retrospiralis found in fast flowing river stream.

Hardiness: Easy

CO2 Needs: moderately (while submerge)

Light Needs: Medium-High

Plant Structure: Creeping Stem (Under substrate)

Genus: Cryptpcoryne

Species: retrospiralis

Growth Rate: Fast

Can Be Grown Emerged: Yes

Distribution and Conservation status:
                                 Throughout the disjunct area in the North-Eastern (Brahmaputra river) and South-Western part of India.

Habitat of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

Habitat of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Habitat of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis in the buffer zone of Gorumara National park 

Habitat of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Habitat of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

Habitat of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
collecting Cryptocoryne retrospiralis from the habitat
collecting Cryptocoryne retrospiralis from the habitat
Habitat and Ecology: (North-Eastern INDIA, Buffer zone of Gorumara National Park) 
                 Shallow water and Fast flowing river stream with other aquatic or semi aquatic vegetation (C.spiralis,H.polysperma,H.corymbosa, R. rotundifolia,Potamogeton nodosus, Vallisneria sp,Sphaerocaryum sp, Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides,Nelsonia canescens,Bacopa monnieri, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Staurogyne sp(Bihar), Lasia spinosa, Ipomoea aquatic, Hydrila verticillata, Eleocharis acicularis),   This beautiful ecology is threatened by Human Interposition,


           Garra gotyla,acanthocobitis botia,Danio rerio,Danio devario,Badis assamensis,Caridina cf babaulti,Caridina hodgarti,Aplochelius panchax,Nandus Nandus, Pseudolaguvia muricata, (Thanks to Andrew Arunava Rao for given all those inhabitant information)

Cultivation/Usage- Newly arrival in Cultivation as Ornamental/aquarium plants.



           Length 8"-14" from the upper-side from root,
           Stiff, niddly and curly leaf with brownish green colour,
           Roots developed very tightly under the sandy substrate,
           Flower buds comes at the end of monsoon when the water goes dry,
Bud of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Bud of Cryptocoryne retrospiralis, bud comes out around winter season while the water level goes to dry 
           Seeds can be produced by appropriate circumstances,



Abhimanyu Veer said...

Gosh, the dark colour of this crypt is fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

shashank said...

Great work bro. Thanks for sharing. I read all your posts, loved each one of them and please do kep making such content.