Thursday, October 29, 2015

Red Higrophila difformis

Hygrophila difformis

Hygrophila difformis

Am going to expose a secrets about Hygrophila difformis. There is no differents between red Hygrophila difformis and Hygrophola difformis,The red colouration is for stressed by sunlight.
First time I have had posted the red type of H.difformis on facebook people was socked .everyone asked me is it any different sp of difformis.I knew but I needed to be sure,
Hygrophila difformis in habitat

After few week i went to observe them and they became in red

Hygrophila difformis emersed

Hygrophila is a very hardy aquatic weed,This can be alive in very hardy summer in emerged condition,
some of juvenile H.difformis produced by seed

The new plant generate from seeds and some of new plants also produces from the emerged  stem during the starting of rainy season,after that the plants grow frequently with water level. This plant grow moderately 14''-27''. While the rainy season comes to end the water level does not arise then the tropical sunlight does the water surface level hot and some of them becomes red which are reached to the surface.

Hygrophila difformis with violet flower

Emersed Hygrophila difformis blooming flower

Hygrophila difformis with flower

Hygrophila difformis produce a blue flower while it is in emerged and the flower generates seeds,seeds are very being macro form and it looks black when it become mature.....

Habitat of Hygrophila difformis

will continue more pic


Samya jit said...

SECRET OF RED Hygrophila difformis

Samya jit said...
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yuriy fazylov said...

can you get me some seeds of it?

Unknown said...

Where is your home?

Samya jit said...

verry good